So I came across another service. It’s called Yodlee. I actually think American Express actually ripped off most of their stuff, because they are pretty much exact clones. Yodlee doesn’t require a certain credit card account, unlike American Express. It’s just plain free. I really like the fact that you can consolidate all of your accounts in one place. That is HUGE!
Anyway, so I finished a few more books:
- The Art of War
By: Sun Tzu - Acres of Diamonds
By: Dr. Russell Conwell - Growing & Managing a Business: 25 Keys to Building Your Company (New York Times Pocket MBA Series)
By: Kathleen Allen
I’m going to put a list together of many of the books that I have finished here and there. Here are a few others (finished in the past):
- Napoleon Hill’s Golden Rules
By: Napoleon Hill
(Very interesting power of suggestion info) - 100 Ways To Create Wealth
By: Steve Chandler - How Come That Idiot’s Rich And I’m Not?
By: Robert Shemin - The Science Of Getting Rich
By: Wallace D. Wattles - The 5 Lessons A Millonaire Taught Me About Life And Wealth
By: Richard Paul Evans - Good To Great
By: Jim Collins - The Millionaire Mind
By: Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D. - Cashflow Quadrant
By: Robert T. Kiyosaki - Rich Dad’s Guide To Investing
By: Robert T. Kiyosaki - Retire Rich Retire Young
By: Robert T. Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad
By: Robert T. Kiyosaki - Freedom Or Security
By: Robert T. Kiyosaki - Think And Grow Rich
By: Napoleon Hill - Rich Dad’s: Own Your Own Corporation
By: Garrett Sutton, Esq. - The Five Love Languages (Not Really About Money)
By: Gary Chapman - Loop Holes Of The Rich
By: Robert T. Kiyosaki - Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind
By: T. Harv Eker - Built To Last – Habits of Visionary Companies
By: Jim Collins - The Richest Man In Babylon (Highly Recommended)
By: George S. Clason - Networking With Millionaires
By: Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D.
For the most part, the road to wealth starts from inside the mind. It starts with a certain way of thinking. If you already have preconceived ideas about certain things or ways of going about things, you’re not ready to move forward on the road. The way I see it from all of this information that I have acquired, is that YOU MUST DO WHAT YOU ENJOY! There is no way around it. Here’s the thing though, most people feel that in order to get ahead they must not do what they enjoy, they must do what they’re good at. The thing that most don’t understand is that every day that they’re not doing what they want to, they more miserable. Years and years go by and they end up wasted.
So here’s the rationale… if you do what you enjoy, you’re able to do it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and it’s fun for you. Which will inevitably lead you to getting better and better at whatever it is that you enjoy because you are so passionate about it. You never tire of it because it is just so enjoyable for you. Now, the sooner you figure out this rationale, the better your life will be, the more enjoyable your life will be, the better you will become at whatever it is that you enjoy, etc. The list goes on and on and on… The money will follow, trust me.
Anyway, I guess that’s what the lesson is for today, actually, that’s the lesson for the rest of your life.