Well, since there was not real easy way to listen to Felix Dennis’ book, I had to manually read it. It’s not too bad of a read. I finished it in about a week. I really NEVER read and that’s the honest truth. However, I felt that this book has some information in it that I thought I would need in order to move forward. Sure enough, it did. There was one point where I read something that put me in shock! I was actually trembling, and got really cold. He refers to it as 1500 words. If I remember it correctly, it starts at around page 250. It was quite eerie, but very very very powerful at the same time. Either way, it was a great read.
On the other hand, I’m sort of burning out from working so hard, but I’m sure it will all pay off eventually. I looked at the sky and noticed it looked pretty (see the image). Other than that, working on quite a few different endeavors that so far, seem to be working. Anyway, this was just a quick note, nothing large. Enjoy!