Throwback Journal Entry From 02-12-2008 (“Daily stuff of Agownovich”)

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I decided to start this thingy today since I have been trying to do something online with this new host recently. Today I found out that el Presidente de Mexico was next door (in the west Building). It was kind of like they were filming Batman all over again (with Heath Ledger). There were cops everywhere. Not to mention I saw him roll up earlier. The freakin’ convoy was 20 to 30 cars… easily. I have never seen anything like that. I saw something like that but no where near as elaborate as this thing was. Two nights ago I had a dream about one of my x-girlfriends. I haven’t even really thought about her for maybe a few months. This was Kristen again. She was laying on top of me with a smile on her face. It was innocent.

(End of “Since I Don’t Have You” – Art Garfunkel)


I got in touch with Christa “Crunch”, about a week ago. It turns out, she resides in Iowa now. She is getting married this summer as well. She has always been a little bit out there, if that makes sense. She dated some dude named “Adam”. This guy was one of the biggest posers I’ve ever known. Anyway, the reason that I have been trying to get in touch with long lost people, is because of Prital Desai. I heard that she passed away about 2-3 weeks ago. She was always a very nice person and always included everyone in everything, if that makes sense. She will be missed. She was one who truly made the world a better place.

(MIAMI VICE THEME – BY Jan Hammer Plays)

I have also been looking for the Sandspider (Sandeep). If my research is correct, he now resides in Michigan, and is an OBGYN. The dude was always a smart guy. He was also one of the few Indians that spoke perfect English (he grew up in the USA).

Ben and the NFL:

Mid-term Test for Master’s CSC 421: So I go to take my test at the Depaul CTI Building (at Jackson and Wabash). I go to the Mezzanine floor and sign in and all that good stuff. I walk into the testing room and there are about 10 – 15 people all at one table (the testing table). I was just like “THIS SUCKS!!!!!”. I will take tests at the Naperville Center from now on. Even if I have to go WAY OUT OF THE WAY! Anyway, I’m pretty sure I screwed up, yet another test. I don’t know what it is. I actually studied for this one, I usually don’t study for them. That may be the reason I don’t, because I didn’t even finish the test completely. Anyway, it SUCKED!!!! Hopefully I did better than expected, because this class has been kicking my ASS like no other. I went and checked the syllabus and thank god it was only %30 of the grade. Others have been %40, which would have killed me.

I still have to study for / take the Java Certification Test. It shouldn’t be a problem, but like my stupid CSC421 test, I ALWAYS STUDY THE WRONG STUFF.

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