So I did my monthly finances check / budget last night and realized that last month was a down month. Way down. But the good news is that I am 100% CREDIT CARD DEBT FREE!!! So that’s pretty good. Believe it or not, it only took about 5-6 months. It was about 14-15 thousand dollars. Granted, just about every penny that I earned went toward paying it off. Once again, PATIENCE AND DISCIPLINE. The two key factors, I would say.
Anyway, I signed up a while back for this thing with American Express (you have to have a card with them, then it’s a free resource). It’s called American Express Money Manager. It allows you to add all of your accounts from everywhere else (credit cards, loans, even Paypal). Then it compiles a calendar, statistics, and much more, based on your accounts. It is VERY COOL. Needless to say, my effort was sort of in vain because it was pretty much already done for me with this FREE service. But hey, you live and learn.
Also, when searching for other things, I came across two other websites where the people seem to be in the same situation and mindset as I am. They are:
I thought this one was funny ( It gives insight from a different perspective.
Anyway, I finished (this week):
- The New Elite: Inside The Minds Of The New Elite
By: Dr. Jim Taylor, Doug Harrison, Stephen Kraus
- Stop Acting Rich: …And Start Living Like A Real Millionaire
By: Dr. Thomas J. Stanley
The New Elite was a VERY good book. It’s shows a lot of OFFENSE. Stop Acting Rich is a little bit more defensive, but essentially the same concepts. I highly recommend both of them. Check’em out from your local library.