Fortune Magazine:
- June 2010
- The top picks from 25 great investors
- Brazil and India emerge
Money Magazine:
- January / February 2010
- [Change in mindset: didn’t really gain anything from this issue]
- August 2010
- Advice for the reluctant landlord
Amanda Gengler - 7 secrets of super savers
Donna Rosato
- Advice for the reluctant landlord
- June 2010
- The future of investing advice
George Mannes
- The future of investing advice
- April 2010
- The best advice now, and ever
Beth braverman
- The best advice now, and ever
- September 2009
- You can fight the assessor
Beth Braverman - Cut your spending by $500 a month
Carolyn Bigda - Is the economy ruining marriage?
George Mannes
- You can fight the assessor
Forbes Magazine
- March 2010
- Follow that billionaire
William Baldwin - New Frontiers of the Super-Rich (Advert?)
“The world’s wealthiest people share a number of characteristics that factor significantly into their wealth creation and success…”
“One such philosophy is being centered. It’s concentrating your efforts and resources on explicit, predetermined goals without getting distracted by day-to-day life or new opportunities, and knowing how to leverage your unique skills to the greatest effect and creating a complementary infrastructure that can fill in the gaps. Another example would be nodal networking, methods of connecting with other people and institutions that maximize your time, efforts, and, ultimately, profits.“
- Follow that billionaire
- April
- Tony Stewart: Race To The Bottom Line
“…my key is I underpromise and overdeliver.”
- Tony Stewart: Race To The Bottom Line
- June 2010
- Too Good To Be True