Another Book Done…

Learn how to improve your spending habits, leverage debt, and invest in the future to help you gain financial freedom.

Well… I’ve finished another book… This one (The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class [By: Keith Cameron Smith]) was pretty good. It’s short enough to finish relatively quickly. Personally, I feel like I can’t really stand reading, but when the information seems to be something that I’m interested in, it really doesn’t “feel” like reading. Anyway, I usually lean toward the audio book versions of most books anyway. This way, I can do something else (walking, etc.) while “reading” the book. It seems much more efficient, at least to me it does.

On another subject, my Net Worth has taken a huge hit. It turns out, I was entering certain information on incorrectly. It was about a $2000 – $3000 discrepancy. Either way, I’m still in the RED. Hopefully, my tax refund will make up for it. We’ll see though.

Anyway, here’s another look at an updated Net Worth chart (…

Ag's Net Worth 03-17-2011
Ag's Net Worth 03-17-2011

And here’s the last 12 months…

Ag's Net Worth 03-17-2011 (Last 12 Months)
Ag's Net Worth 03-17-2011 (Last 12 Months)

If you look, you’ll see that there are a few changes. The gauge for the assets (in blue), now displays $80,000. This is a significant improvement from the graph from 07-28-2010 where it displayed $60,000. Exciting stuff!

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