Grad Student Attacked by Pack of Kids (Story)…
The situation was that some lady (probably African American) insisted on playing the “race card”, yet still also insisted that she was “open-minded”…
Please pardon the tirade…
@Nicole: For being as open-minded as you claim, you seemed to use the word “racist” very early on. So early, that you didn’t really get @Joe’s perspective before using it. Perhaps @Joe’s original comment was about the kids who helped the victim (note that everything after the Race Card [aka Ace Card] was played, he was trying to defend himself). I wonder what your response would have been if his initial response was “I was talking about the kids who helped him…”
On another note, surely if the attacking was done by the proverbial “little green men” (aliens), we would leave out the fact that they were little, green, and men. Otherwise we could be considered to be (correspondingly) physical elitists, racists, and sexists, just by repeating the description of the attackers. My, my… When do we accept our diversity and stop with the foregone conclusions? Were they African-American? Anyone familiar with the area would say, Yes… (I used to live a few blocks from there) Was the victim white? Yes… (Oh wait… Maybe this was a “hate crime”…) Is the sky blue? Yes. Calling the sky blue doesn’t make me a racist. Calling a white guy white doesn’t make me a racist. Calling African-Americans African-American doesn’t make me a racist.
By the way, I wonder if the textbooks were still in the bag when the kids dropped it. Does anybody know? Perhaps the kids wanted to learn that material SOOOO BADLY, that they were willing to beat the Grad Student up to get it…
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