Ugh… There was another bout with this crappy disease (get it? crappy disease… HA!). Anyway, there was another roughly 10 pound loss over the course of a few days. I will admit, however, that this one wasn’t even close to the last one back in January 2009 (I guess 3 years without an ER visit is alright). With that one, [FLASHBACK: I think I lost something like 15 pounds in 48 to 72 hours. It was hard to even stand up or go to the bathroom. Maybe 15 minutes of sleep per night… But I still tried to tough it out. I needed help getting into a vehicle. I would get exhausted when walking 5 steps to get to the bathroom. It was probably the most unhealthy I’ve ever been and the worst I’ve ever felt.]
Anyway, on this latest one, I had abdominal pain for 7 days straight. I went to the ER. They did an ultrasound (standard) (the lady said “TWINS!” 😉 ) when that came back negative, they did a CT scan. It turns out there was a small inflammation of my small intestine. For those that know about UC, you know that UC usually only affects the large intestine. Needless to say, that threw up a few “red flags”.
Anyway, I went through and had to do a few insurance follow-ups in order to schedule a GI Dr. appointment. So, I have an appointment on Friday and we’ll see what happens from there.