Insightful Wisdom For Today – InsightfulInvesting Instagram
"#Risk comes from #not #knowing what you're #doing." #unknown #chances #reward #experience #experiment #riskanalysis #riskaverse #babysteps #failure #trialanderror #comfortzone #trynewthings #investing #money #retirement #investment #insightful

Words Of Wisdom For Today – JPABaby Instagram
"The #first #night #out #alone #after #giving #birth is like #being #released #into the #wild." #parenting #newparents #child #cheetah #quote #jungle #prowl #newborn #baby #breastfeeding
Insightful Wisdom For Today – InsightfulInvesting Instagram
"#Only #buy #something that you'd be #perfectly #happy to #hold if the #market #shut #down for 10 #years." #money #insightful #investment #quote #closed #WarrenBuffet #investing
Insightful Wisdom For Today – InsightfulInvesting Instagram
"#Rule No.1: #Never #lose #money. Rule No.2: Never #forget rule No.1." #burn #money #investing #insightful #investments #financial #rules #selfdiscipline #discipline #BenjaminFranklin #WarrenBuffett #investor #smart #simple

Words Of Wisdom For Today – JPABaby Instagram
"You don't just #take a #class; you're #thrown into #motherhood and you #learn from #experience." #baby #feet #heart #hands #blackandwhite #photography #pink #father #mother #pretty
Insightful Wisdom For Today – InsightfulInvesting Instagram
"#Price is what you #pay. #Value is what you #get." #investing #investments #stock #business #chalk #graph #chalkboard #chart #valueinvesting #upward #discipline #think #insightful #WarrenBuffett #quote

Insightful Wisdom For Today – InsightfulInvesting Instagram
"If #you didn't get the #deferred-#gratification #gene, you've got to #work #very #hard to #overcome that." #investment #insightful #quote #patience #selfcontrol #habits #broke #financialfreedom #finance

Moraine Lake in Canada at Night – Andrey Popov
Another #cool and #beautiful #picture! This one is a picture of #Moraine #Lake in #Canada at #night, by #Andrey #Popov. #blue #nighttime #stars #Mountains #mountain
Insightful Wisdom For Today – InsightfulInvesting Instagram
"It's waiting that helps you as an investor, and a lot of people just can't stand to wait." #people #investor #investing #waiting #patience #BePatient #selfcontrol