
Cliff dwelling, Canyon De Chelly National Monument, Arizona, USA
Cliff dwelling, Canyon De Chelly National Monument, Arizona, USA.

Things Are Getting Quite Interesting… Positively…
Recently, with Media Moon, LLC. I tweaked a few systems and this is basically the result: The bottom line is that we’re operating way more

Claude Hopkins – Scientific Advertising – My Notes And Takeaways
I found out about this book a few days ago and was able to track down the audio version of it at: The good

Q&A For Quitting Your Job: How Much Money Did You Have Saved Before Quitting Your 9 – 5?
I saved for years to get to ~2-3 years of expenses. As luck would have it, just before I left my day job, I got

Church of the Assumption on Bled Island
#Walt #Disney himself couldn’t have dreamt up a more #fairytale-like scene than the #snow-dusted rooftops of the #Church of the #Assumption on #Bled #Island. The
Insightful Wisdom For Today – InsightfulInvesting Instagram
"The #rich #invest in #time, the #poor invest in #money." #warrenbuffet #timeismoney #irreplaceable #quote #scale #value #think #broke #millionaire #financialfreedom #wise #thinkahead #foresight #insightful #investing
Insightful Wisdom For Today – InsightfulInvesting Instagram
#Happy #Holidays from @insightfulinvesting!!! #merrychristmas #merry #christmas #millionaire #broke #finance #personalfinance #trees #snow #santaclaus #picturesque #pretty Instagram InsightfulInvesting
Insightful Wisdom For Today – InsightfulInvesting Instagram
“#All #intelligent #investing is #value investing – #acquiring more than you are #paying for. You #must value the #business in #order to value the #stock.”
Insightful Wisdom For Today – InsightfulInvesting Instagram
"As in #roulette, the #same is #true of the #stock #trader, who will #find that the #expense of #trading #weights the #dice #heavily #against #him."